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Monday, January 30, 2012

Best of 2011 - #4 - Ages and Ages - "No Nostalgia"

Good music is good music. There are all sorts of musical genres, and within each genre there is mostly bad, some good, and a very few are excellent. I think some music lovers get caught up in the "Oh, that sound has been done before." But really, high-quality genre-starters are generational, with most being so out-there that a solid analogy could be made to them and the weird clothes that anorexic models wear on the NYC and Parisian cat-walks.

So, I don't buy the "it's been done argument" because ... well ... no one scoffed at John Williams for sounding like Beethoven, and no one's writing off the Mumford and Sons for sounding like the thousands of Celtic bands that came before them. And if they do, well, they're missing out.

Ages and Ages might not be creating a new genre with the few tracks they have released, but they have, with "No Nostalgia," reached the stratosphere. From the steady beat, rippin' guitar riff, fantastic chorus, to the studio clapping, this song reeks of good times and artistic confidence.

They say it best in the song,
And my stride sure will be long.
Choose your side, feel free to come.
... and rightfully deserve #4 in our Best Finds of 2011.