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Friday, April 13, 2012

tUnE-yArDs - "Bizness"

Some music is easy, breezy, poppy and immediately catchy. Other music is challenging and difficult. Each have their own rewards. tUnE-yArDs definitely falls in the latter group, of challenging and complex musicians. Starting with the obtuse spelling, I kind of wrote them off as too hip for their own good. This track came on the random selctions and I really vibed out to it. For a white girl, this has some serious world music vibe, the horn blasts toward the end are sublime!

tUnE-yArDs is Merrill Garbus, who when performing live, creates all her percussion through live sampled loops, and then plays ukelele over top. I suspect in studio there is a lot more going on to create this much sound. This is the first single from her second album 'w h o k i l l'.