Casiokids are a Norwegian electo-pop band. This tune, "Fot I Hose" from their 2010 album "Topp Stemning På Lokal Bar" (Top Mood At Local Bar) is their biggest hit to date, and no wonder! It's low end fat horn blasts, jangly guitar, thumping beat, and synth melody bring together lots of elements into a groovy whole. This tune appeared in FIFA '10 (a game I could probably still kick Regan's butt in).
They just released a new album Aabenbaringen over aaskammen in October 2011. Their adherence to Norwegian titles and lyrics may limit their North American appeal, but the sounds are universal. In 2010, they were among 4 bands who won a 1 million Kroner ($171,000 CAD) prize from legendary Norwegian pop band A-ha (my favorite band when I was 10) for being a Norwegian band with the most export potential. They also appeared on Mixtape 10 this year!