Almost a year ago to the day, I was watching "The Wedge" way-late at night (when the mainstream tunes sleep, and the potentially great stuff gets played), and this song came on. Since that early Feb night in 2011, this song has been on quite a media journey.
And you know, despite how the song's main-stream airplay over the past 4 months makes me want to downplay how much I fell in love with it (and for the record: airplay that didn't start until well after Summer Guide 11 was released), I have to admit that I played this song over and over and over ... to the point where I had to hide it so I wouldn't get sick of it come time for summer and the SG11 final cut.
A year later, my hunch is that Foster the People will be one-hit-wonders, but man! is this song worthy of the airplay and marketing it's received. Obviously the minds who signed the band and convinced the radio conglomerates to play them over and over feel the same way.
So, at #5, here's Pumped Up Kicks!