The summer of 1996 was my rock star summer. I was one hour away from losing my seat in the university program I was enrolled in, and I left it until the last minute because I almost quit to start a rock band. Alas, that never happened (long story), but the Summer of '96 was special (and crazy) indeed.
That spring Sloan released their One Chord to Another album which ... in hindsight ... catapulted my intentions to start a rock band into an almost-reality. In an era of cynical, grungy, and distorted music, their album hit the Canadian airwaves like a breath of fresh air. It definitely gave me the confidence to (almost) quit college and start a band, "If they're writing music like this, I should/could too!"
Here is - in my opinion - the best track from that album ... if only by a hair, because all the tracks were amazing!