For sentimental reasons, and given what transpired in my life in 2011, this really is my #1 find of 2011. This track made Summer Guide 11, and it almost was the opening track for that compilation.
I didn't, however, give it #1 points for this competition for a couple of reasons:
1. I loved Cake in the 90's. Like I loved them. Like they gelled so many of the funk sounds with the alt-country sounds with the slack rock sounds I fell in love into one tight package ... how could you not love them?! In fact, I just don't think anyone could touch them in that regard. But, they are a 90's band. Not a 2000's band. And not a 201x's band.
2. This song came out in 2004 ... and ... well ... it's 2012. I hate to admit it, but I gave up on Cake in 2001. Too many other great sounds were coming out by then, and ... well ... Cake was just cranking out the same stuff, so I stopped listening. So last spring, when commuting a lot, I burnt a bunch of old albums to CD for the car rides, and I mistook Cake's 2004 album with their 1994 album. Needless to say, I didn't remember "Palm of Your Hand" ... but fell in love with it immediately. Everything about it, actually, from the sage-like lyrics to the deadly guitar riff that the song builds around to the well-used (and very timely) brass. This song made me want to sing from the mountain tops, and it still does.
3. There's some other kick-ass songs coming up. Stay tuned.
So, without further adieu, here's my sentimental #1 find of 2011. Enjoy!